
New 3D Game!

We are glad to announce the arrival of a new game we have worked in...

Generator Rex "Abysus Arena" is a 3D game published by Cartoon Network.

We invite you to play it!


Another New Game has arrived!

Start your engines!
Monster Trucks 2 (Candystand) has finally launched.


New Game!

Alien Cab (iPhone)

Dive into an AlienCab and pilot passengers across the galaxy, avoiding collisions and operating at maximum speed!
This path-drawing game has a space atmosphere and friendly sounds from space.


Good news, we're in the news!

Sounds Fun! En Clarin Pymes!

Fuimos convocados por la revista Pymes para participar de la nota sobre nichos de mercado.
La entrevista fue muy interesante y definitivamente constructiva...
Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad al personal de la editorial!
(La nota salió en Clarin Pymes Septiembre)

Sounds Fun! appeared in an article posted by Clarin Pymes's magazine.
This magazine is from an important newspaper in Argentina, and monthly posts interesting articles related to business management.


Launching the new website...

We have recently launched our NEW website!

Enjoy the new sections, and don't forget to check out the awesome music pieces we've added!

What's next?

Coming Up

Three new games for iPhone, Mac & PC.
Launch in a few days...

Stay Tuned!


Cool Blog about Music and SFX

In our new blog "Fun stuff"
you'll find interesting info related to music and SFX.
Really cool updates once a week with videos, songs,
and you don't want to miss the sound quizzes!!

To enter: Fun Stuff Blog

We've moved!

This will be the new link for Sounds Fun Blog.

Thanks for staying tuned!